
Monday, November 05, 2012

I'm gonna WRECK IT!

Wreck it Ralph is out in Theaters everyone! I'm so proud to have been a tiny part of this project. There was a great team and I'm so pleased with how the movie turned out and the reception it has gotten so far!

Me and a few other artists are going to be doing a book signing and panel at gallery Nucleus on Friday!  5 Dollar Admission, there are 8 artists participating so come by and get your "Art of Wreck it Ralph" Books signed!


  1. The movie was awesome!

  2. I can not wait to see it, I think in Australia we have to wait until December, but I am loving all the art work so far!!!

  3. These designs are too sweet for my diabetes. Still are great.
    All your work is really amazing.
    It was a great surprise to know your blog
    See you around here

  4. I so wanna watch this movie!! it only comes out later in December in Australia :( Damn! The concept is great and these paintings you did look amazing! congratulations!

  5. wooow.. awesome :D
    I look forward to see it !

  6. guau !! love it , i recently watched the movie and the designing of that "level" was amazing!!

  7. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Amazing! I hope to be able to do some similar work sometime soon. Loved the film... <3
