My books have arrived! To celebrate, I'm doing a book giveaway that will end on the first day of CTN X, so you have 11 days to enter and win a Free copy of 'Freckles!'
There are THREE ways to win:
1) Comment Here on the blog under this post: http://victoriaying.blogspot.com
2) Tweet about it! Use @victoriaying and Mention the 'Freckles' Giveaway for a second chance!
3) Comment on my Tumblr! http://victoriaying.tumblr.com/
Each entry will boost your chances!
EDIT: WOW! What a response! I'm adding one more book to the giveaway thanks to all you nice people! This second book will be for Those who are tweeting about it, so one will be for the people commenting and a second for those who are tweeting! Thanks everyone!