Sunday, March 26, 2006

witches castle

a semi finished final for wizard of oz, witches castle

Saturday, March 25, 2006

small update

first image was a doodle i did during character 2 today, and the other two are for architecture 2 video game level pitch peices.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

alien head

In character 2 class today, we got a Z brush demo, the program is way cool, I tried to play with it this afternoon but failed, i turned the ugly model into a painting :)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

this week in entertainment design....

This week was pretty rad, on saturday Ian Mccaig came into character 2 to crit some work and to talk to us. Hes a super fun guy with lots of energy and i can see how a class with him would be way fun *crosses fingers for visual storytelling next fall*
On tuesday, Farzad from High Moon Studios/Oddworld came to talk to us about video game enviornment design. it was really fun talking to him and getting the corporate side of things. I love all the guest speakers that this program is letting us have, the exposure is just great!

anyways, onto artz. heres some bugs that i did for character 2. The first one im pretty happy with i just gotta fix some of the drawing mistakes, and the second, im going to change a lot, stretch some peroportions ect

Saturday, March 04, 2006

vis dev finals

some finals for my vis dev class

hey guys

hey folks, this is a test because blogspot seems to have shut down my blog because it flagged it as a spam blog, they never checked on it so now im forced to do stuff like this